The calculator in question is the Diagnostic Criteria for Primary Sjögren's Disease. This is a set of criteria developed by the American-European Consensus Group (AECG) and later revised by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).
The criteria are used to diagnose primary Sjögren's disease, an autoimmune disorder characterized by dryness of the eyes and mouth, in adult patients. The criteria include objective signs and symptoms such as ocular and oral dryness, positive Schirmer's test, positive salivary gland biopsy, and presence of autoantibodies (Anti-SSA/Ro and/or Anti-SSB/La).
The clinical utility of this calculator is to aid in the diagnosis of primary Sjögren's disease, which can be challenging due to its wide range of clinical manifestations and overlap with other autoimmune diseases.
Exclusion criteria for the use of this calculator include patients with another well-defined major connective tissue disease, patients with past head and neck radiation treatment, hepatitis C infection, AIDS, pre-existing lymphoma, sarcoidosis, graft versus host disease, or use of anticholinergic drugs since these conditions can mimic the symptoms of S
Caroline H Shiboski, Stephen C Shiboski, Raphaele Seror et al. 2016 American College of Rheumatology / European League Against Rheumatism Classification Criteria for Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: A Consensus and Data-Driven Methodology Involving Three International Patient Cohorts. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2017 Jan;69(1):35-45.
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