Canadian CT head rule (CCHR)
Exclusion criteria
Age < 16 years
Patient on blood thinners
Seizure after injury
High risk criteria
GCS score < 15 at 2 hours after injury
Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
Sign of basilar skull fracture (hemotympanum, raccoon eyes, CSF otorrhea, CSF rhinorrhea, Battle's sign)
More than one episode of vomiting
Age ≥ 65 years
Medium risk criteria
Amnesia of events extending ≥ 30 minutes before injury
"Dangerous" mechanism (pedestrian struck by motor vehicle, occupant ejected from a motor vehicle, or fall from > 3 feet or > 5 stairs)
CT head likely unnecessary
Ian G Stiell, Catherine M Clement, Brian H Rowe et al. Comparison of the Canadian CT Head Rule and the New Orleans Criteria in patients with minor head injury. JAMA. 2005 Sep 28;294(12):1511-8.
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