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AAST imaging criteria for classification of liver injury

Subcapsular hematoma < 10% surface area; parenchymal laceration < 1 cm depth
Subcapsular hematoma 10-50% surface area; intraparenchymal laceration < 10 cm in diameter; parenchymal laceration 1-3 cm in depth and ≤ 10 cm length
Subcapsular hematoma > 50% surface area; ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal hematoma; intraparenchymal laceration > 10 cm in diameter; parenchymal laceration > 3 cm in depth; any injury in the presence of a liver vascular injury or active bleeding contained within liver parenchyma
Parenchymal disruption involving 25-75% of hepatic lobe; active bleeding extending beyond the liver parenchyma into the peritoneum
Parenchymal disruption > 75% of hepatic lobe; juxtahepatic venous injury to include retrohepatic vena cava and central major hepatic veins
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Federico Coccolini, Raul Coimbra, Carlos Ordonez et al. Liver trauma: WSES 2020 guidelines. World J Emerg Surg. 2020 Mar 30;15(1):24.
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